The hues of the Munsell color system, at varying values, and maximum chroma to stay in the sRGB gamut It is a spectral color which lies at, or near, the short-wave (violet) end of the traditional 'blue' and possibly was classified as ' indigo' by Newton.
It is at 240 degrees on the HSV color wheel, also known as the RGB color wheel. This color is also called color wheel blue. The three additive primaries in the RGB color system are the three colors of light chosen such as to provide the maximum gamut of colors that are capable of being represented on a computer or television set. It is one of the three primary colors used in the RGB color space, along with red and green. The color defined as blue in the RGB color model, X11 blue, is the brightest possible blue that can be reproduced on a computer screen, and is the color named blue in X11.
Red, green, and blue lights, representing the three basic additive primary colors of the RGB color system, red, green, and blue